Saturday 7 November 2015


Good day! As the vocals are recorded it is easy to finish this blog and start to move on to the next phase of the "production". Bass is going to be recorded within a week from now and recordings of a extra stuff takes place thereafter. Most of the "extra stuff" is recorded as digital instruments but let`s mention that there is going to be a real instrument as well. In addition some extra backing vocals will be recorded too, sang by someone outside the band. Wow, historical! Then, everything is recorded and it is time to start mixing.

As we are talking about a concept EP, in addition to these four actual songs there is also a short intro and outro track and each song is of course made considering its place, track order and lyrics. But now let`s present the fourth, the l
ast actual song of the EP. The awakening journey has led to the point where there is no return, where something needs to be done to make change.

After becoming aware of several upsetting facts instinctively the next arising question is how to change it because the individual can not close its eyes from the problems.

Cultural changes are always very slow. It takes time for people to adapt something new and then to share the new "feature" for the others. When an individual borns into a culture it is quite obvious that the culture will have a huge impact on the individual. It will be a shape or a frame which defines the basic features of the individual. But after all the culture is only a combination of a huge amount of people and their features in one characteristic mass. In that sense the change and "modification" should work vice versa: by changing its behavior an individual can have a huge effect on the culture. After all an individual is only a reflection of its surroundings, just an average of a few other individuals reflecting their features. So by behaving differently, saying anything, even a single glance at a stranger can be the change for someone and therefore lead to a wider change. But no one knows is the change fast enough. What is the rate of change?

So it is time to seize the lifeline, let go the deadline and flow down, wash and unleash the mind and be the change that you want to see. Because if you are not the change, no one else will be either.
Over and out.

- JK

Sunday 11 October 2015


Hello again! The updating pace is speeding up as the vocal recordings will start in a week and lyrics has to be done beforehand obviously. Lead guitars are already recorded and bass recordings are in two weeks. After that the main "instruments" are recorded and then it`s time for the extra "stuff", we`ll see later what that is going to be.

Now it is time to present the third (and second last) song of the EP, some kind of bottom of the "drama" wave. Or the peak, depends on the perspective. Like the first half of the EP has implied something massive begins to take shape.

As people are nowadays becoming more and more aware of the actual, problematic nature of money it should be easy to perceive the big picture more clearly. So, as we know, money is not really anything valuable, it is not connected to gold or anything else, money is debt. So whenever bank makes a loan simultaneously the same amount of money is created. When the loan is paid back the same amount of money disappears but the interest remains. That`s how banks make their profit, obviously. Due to the fact that almost all the money is debt (and have to be paid back to the bankers eventually) in order to avoid "removing" too much money from economy (and decrease economic growth) have to take more debt. This creates the infinite necessity of economic growth because at the moment of making a loan the interest is not included. Thus in order to avoid removing too much money from economy by paying back the debt (and especially the interest) the economy has to grow nonstop. Perfect system! And perfect scheme.

Basically this is all about systematical money transfer to the bankers from the rest of the people. The system is very complex and it is difficult to question something that is not understood. And again the people who benefits of it are the ones who could change it, but not the ones who suffer. The politicians who could have an affect on it are bribed by the big corporations (and banks), looking after their own interests (also literally). That`s an interesting vision about democracy. Seems more like plutocracy.

Luckily the last song still remains so there might be some change…

- JK

Monday 28 September 2015

432 Hz

Greetings! At the very moment guitar recordings are going on and therefore it`s reasonable to take the tuning into consideration. In a normal case there wouldn`t be much of worth to write about but this time a little changes take place.

So as usual for us, the tuning starting from the lowest string is A-D-A-D-G-H-E. This is normal dropped-D tuning with seventh string being A. The tuning remains the same as earlier but one thing is different now: the reference frequency of A-note, instead of pitch standard 440 Hz, is now 432 Hz. Around A4, regarding the next higher or lower note this 8 Hz difference is not even half way, in fact it is approximately 1/6 of a pitch change on that high. So we are talking about slightly noticeable difference in the pitch.

This 440 Hz vs. 432 Hz confrontation is very controversial, more opinion-like than widely scientifically proven phenomena. The wildest conspiracies (theories?) claims that 440 Hz has been used for torturing people during wars and it has some kind of irritating effect on brains which helps to control people and therefore all that we hear from TV and radio would be tuned in 440 Hz. Even though it has been standardized already in 1953 by International Standards Organization it is still a standard reference tuning frequency nowadays and very commonly used especially in popular music.

It`s been studied that 432 Hz resonates with water and therefore it sounds more natural than 440 Hz. Its benefits has been widely discovered especially among the people of natural healing due to its relaxing effect. There is a lot of stuff about it on the internet, just searchengine it. Anyway, by no means neither 432 or 440 is only reference frequency used in the world. There has been a lot of different frequencies during the whole music history depending on the time period, music and most importantly the instrument as each instrument resonates in its own characteristic way. But 440 Hz just seems to linger especially in mainstream music. And really, I can`t deny it as a player, it is handy as all the music is in the same "tune".

So why to choose "a tuning" that has been noticed to have a relaxing effect for music that is not usually associated with relaxedness and furthermore with all kinds of conspiracies (theories?) surrounding it? And the answer is: because it fits to the theme, to try something new, to see if anyone notice the difference, to see if it affects on the music, to draw attention and just to annoy. But most importantly, it sounds and feels different, mystical I might say. And as listened for a quite long time now, regardless the possible placebo effect, it just sounds better.

- JK

Thursday 27 August 2015


Good whatever time of day! It`s been a while again but not as long as last time. The writing pace of this blog will speed up a bit from now on as we have started the actual recordings of the EP. So, we started the recordings by drums and it should be finished in a week from now, hopefully in the schedule! There is also a video blog coming soon regarding the recording itself, by the way. As the EP is progressing in terms of recording, it is convenient that lyrics are progressing too. This blog writing is a good sign of that progression. Let`s say a few words about the second song of the EP.

Nowadays nearly everything is mainstream: music, movies, languages etc. Unfortunately we have also so called mainstream media. In general, people have outsourced their thinking and brains because of mainstream media. In a sense people are floating in a stream which carries us in a way that we don`t need, or should I say we don`t realize to do anything. If something is published in the mainstream media it has to be true: almost everyone will see the same because and no one is questioning it, obviously, since there isn`t many other sources to question it either. Mostly the initial source is some huge news agency like Reuters or CNN but let`s consider following: what if the owner of every big news agency would be the same? Would it give the power of propaganda and disinformation to some non-governmental policymaker exclusively? Yep, it would.

The worst part is that we can`t know that for sure. People are easy to control and distract by something irrelevant with right timing and suitable subject, for example about celebrities, fears and so on... Yellow press is an decent example of this phenomena. The fundamental problem of it (like in many other cases) is our ignorance. In an organization a level is always accountable only for the higher one and eventually no one seems to know what is happening on the top of this freaky pyramid.

When the order is given we obey but where does the order come from? Let`s find out...

- JK

Saturday 18 July 2015


Greetings! After a few months break it is good to get back on the subject. As said in the first writing the musical part of the EP is ready but lyrics are still under work. Fortunately the phrases and words, rhymes and verses accumulate slowly by themselves and in the end somehow they seem to have some kind of thematical connection (or most likely the text makes sense only in the writers mind, we will see).

Eventhough not all of the lyrics are ready there has been some progress. Also the perspective has changed a few times, once very fundamentally because the file of the lyrics was deleted due to broken hard drive. Great! Recalling all of the lyrics hopefully saves all of the important parts and only the meaningless content was lost. Hmm...

In addition to the lyrics the graphical theme has perceived more clearly. Every song of the EP is going to have its own graphics with regard to the content of the song not to mention the thematical graphics of the whole EP. The graphics together will comprise a continuum with beginning and ending for the EP.

So, let`s say something about the first song of the EP. In a head freak enough, a word deadline may create different visions. The first one is probably deadline regarding working, how always have to have a deadline due something has to be finished. The word is also combination of words ”dead” and ”line” (oh, really?). However, these two visions together reflects the current work-orienteed attitude. There is only a thin line between living and dying and that line seems to be money. A job is all that we need, without it we can not get money for living, to pay our rent or mortgage, our car, our clothes etc. Sometime we may notice that most of our earnings are spend to cover the costs arising from something related to working, for example a car. Without that job far away we wouldn`t even need a car necessarily. Suddenly we have a huge debt to pay back just because we needed that car to go to work to earn the money to cover the costs of that same car. And we have a rat race. The same apply to a house and mortgage. We live in a house which is vacant most of the time due to working just to pay back the mortgage of that same house. Dozens of years. The stress is guaranteed. Depression and other deseases arising from working flourish. Nothing is humane or natural.

As we are trapped in the system, where is all this money going? That is an interesting question... Maybe we will find out. Maybe.


Saturday 21 March 2015


Hello! The blog you are about to read is mainly meant for people interested in band called SkiZma, a Finnish metal band originally from Kuhmo. As a preview, SkiZma has made 3 demo-EP`s so far and this blog is going to be about the fourth one. If I managed to catch your interest this far you may want to find further info about the band from the websites on the right column of the page.

As you might have noticed, the language of the band has been Finnish so far but the language of the fourth EP is going to be English and it have a few particular reasons. First of all, it is interesting to try something new and see the possible effects of it. Another significant reason is its feasibility regarding the theme of the EP but, (as boring as it sounds) the most practical reason is the change of the language of writer`s thoughts due to spending time abroad. However, the persistence of the language change is not carved in the stone and therefore it is reconsidered again in the case of the next release.   

A few words about the purpose of this blog. At this point may be advisable to announce that the EP is not ready in terms of lyrics but musically the structure is now finished. This blog is therefore suitable channel to open the theme, subjects of lyrics and to distribute some thematic graphical material. It is considered also as a therapeutic channel for the writer.

With regard to he theme itself it probably has not opened for most of you due to very cryptic backround graphic so few words about it would be reasonable. Described in one sentence the theme is about unbalanced way of life of the western culture, economy and working-orienteed thinking and thoughtlessness and it is thoroughly questioning and awakening consept of their possible causes. The next writings of this blog will open the theme hopefully in some extend so I leave this subject for a while and write again when there is something to write about!

- JK

Thursday 26 February 2015


Hyvää iltaa/huomenta/päivää! Jos olet päätynyt lukemaan tätä tekstiä, olet eksynyt (jälleen?) SkiZma-yhtyeen uuden julkaisun tekoprosessia käsittelevän blogin ääreen. Tässä vaiheessa on jo hyvä miettiä jatkaako tästä pidemmälle, mutta jos yhtyeen musiikki on jokseenkin tuttua  ja uudet kuviot kiinnostaa, en tule estelemään. En myöskään vaikka yhtye olisi sinulle täysin tuntematon.

Jos päätit jatkaa, voinen ilolla ilmoittaa, että uusia kuvioita onkin luvassa kosolti. Ensin kuitenkin, jännityksen ylläpitämiseksi, on hyvä valottaa blogin tarkoitusperiä. Edellis-demon tekoprosessia kuvailevan blogin kirjoitus aloitettiin vasta ensimmäisten äänitysten aikana. Tässä kohtaa mennään eri teitä: uusin julkaisu ei ole musiikillisesti, tekstillisesti eikä (näin ollen) soitannollisesti missään määrin ns. hanskassa. Äänityksistä ei ole hajuakaan. Yhtyeen jäseniä on ulkomailla. Kaik` on auki tässä vaiheessa. Tästä syystä blogi onkin hyvä pureskelukanava tekstien ja näin ollen tematiikan sekä musiikin sisällön osalta sekä graafisen puolen selittelyyn ja levittelyyn jo luomisvaiheessa. Muilta osin mennään vanhoilla vitseillä: blogi kokoaa yleiskuvaa koko prosessista siitä kiinnostuneille ja toimii osaltaan terapiakanavana kirjoittajalle.

Sitten onkin aika tehdä strateginen, yllättävä juonenkäänne ja ilmoittaa, että lyyrinen ulosanti on muuttuva internationaaliseen suuntaan eli kansanomaisemmin sanoen lontooksi. Tämän internationalisoitumisilmiön taustalla vaikuttaa sekä pieni uteliaisuus kokeilla uutta ja nähdä miten tämä vaikuttaa kaikkeen, että tematiikan yhteensopivuus, mutta pääasiassa syy on erittäin käytännöllinen, nimittäin ulkomailla oleilusta seurannut ajatuskielen vaihtuminen. Tämän yhtyeen ulosantikielen muutoksen pysyvyys ei ole missään määrin kiveen hakattua ja näin ollen tilannetta puntaroidaan jälleen kun seuraavan julkaisun tekstittäminen on ajankohtaista. Mutta näillä mennään.

Itse tekstien tematiikka ei liene äärimmäisen kryptisestä taustakuvasta selvinnyt, joten selventäminen voinee olla paikallaan. Yhdellä lauseella ilmaistuna kyseessä tulee olemaan länsimaisen kulttuurin epätasapainoista elämäntapaa, talous- ja työkeskeistä ajattelua ja ajattelemattomuutta (ts. harhaa) sekä niiden mahdollisia aiheuttajia pohjia myöten kyseenalaistava, herättelevä kokonaisuus. Tämä asia valottunee myöhemmissä blogin varsinaisissa kirjoituksissa, jotka, tekstikielen muutoksesta johtuen, tulevat myöskin vaihtamaan kieltään ja jätän mystisen savuverhon leijailemaan aiheen ylle. Siispä, julistan tämän kirjoituksen blogin ensimmäiseksi ja viimeiseksi(?) suomenkieliseksi selitelmäksi aiheesta ja palaan asiaan kun asiaa on! Terve!