Thursday 27 August 2015


Good whatever time of day! It`s been a while again but not as long as last time. The writing pace of this blog will speed up a bit from now on as we have started the actual recordings of the EP. So, we started the recordings by drums and it should be finished in a week from now, hopefully in the schedule! There is also a video blog coming soon regarding the recording itself, by the way. As the EP is progressing in terms of recording, it is convenient that lyrics are progressing too. This blog writing is a good sign of that progression. Let`s say a few words about the second song of the EP.

Nowadays nearly everything is mainstream: music, movies, languages etc. Unfortunately we have also so called mainstream media. In general, people have outsourced their thinking and brains because of mainstream media. In a sense people are floating in a stream which carries us in a way that we don`t need, or should I say we don`t realize to do anything. If something is published in the mainstream media it has to be true: almost everyone will see the same because and no one is questioning it, obviously, since there isn`t many other sources to question it either. Mostly the initial source is some huge news agency like Reuters or CNN but let`s consider following: what if the owner of every big news agency would be the same? Would it give the power of propaganda and disinformation to some non-governmental policymaker exclusively? Yep, it would.

The worst part is that we can`t know that for sure. People are easy to control and distract by something irrelevant with right timing and suitable subject, for example about celebrities, fears and so on... Yellow press is an decent example of this phenomena. The fundamental problem of it (like in many other cases) is our ignorance. In an organization a level is always accountable only for the higher one and eventually no one seems to know what is happening on the top of this freaky pyramid.

When the order is given we obey but where does the order come from? Let`s find out...

- JK

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